We are committed to maximizing the potential of every child. Education is a partnership. We know what children need to succeed in high school and college and we make sure that they have the skill set. We know how to strengthen their spiritual lives, as they become active members of the Church. We listen to parents and engage them in a vital partnership.
We ask you to journey with us. Make an Act of Faith, believe in the future of Holy Spirit School; be a people of Hope; help us build the future with your positive affirmations. Make an Act of Charity and Love by praying and contributing time, talent and treasure. We need you!
We, in turn, pledge to listen to our families so that we can know your needs, hopes, and dreams for elementary education. As we provide for those needs and actualize children’s successful outcomes, so shall we continue to flourish.
Dear Holy Spirit School Parents:
Welcome to another new school year! I would like to introduce myself to those who are new to the school – my name is Kerry Mezzina and I am Holy Spirit’s School Mom. I look forward to working with you to make our children’s school experience the best it can be.
Volunteering is one of the many things that make our school work. Please understand, volunteering as a class parent is much more than just attending the class parties and field trips. We ask that you be involved and participate in other activities at the school so that you are well informed as a class parent. Class parents are very important to our school!
To be a class parent at Holy Spirit School the following requirements must be met:
All of the following requirements MUST be met to participate as a class parent. Unfortunately, there will be NO EXCEPTIONS. This is very important. Please understand this helps keep consistency among all groups.
*Please visit Virtus Online, and select Paterson Diocese for dates and locations for the Protecting God’s Children’s Workshop. If you have any additional questions on the above requirements, please contact the school office 973-835-5680 or myself.
I am open to any suggestions or ideas, so please feel free to contact me – 973-248-6411 or via email at [email protected] any time!
Home-School Association
The objective of the Home-School Association of Holy Spirit School shall be to bring the staff, teachers and parents into closer communication with one another, to encourage the efforts of the teachers and staff, to improve the conditions and the surroundings for the children, and to interest public sentiment in the welfare of our school. It is an important link between the child’s home and the child’s school. With all working together, much can be achieved for the benefit of the children.
Upon signing your contract, you agree to be a member of the Home-School Association. The regular meetings of the Home-School Association shall be held four times a year at the discretion of the Pastor and Principal. At least one family member is required to attend these important meetings.
The membership is composed of Honorary, Active and Associate members. The officers of the association consist of President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The officers serve for a period of three years in any one office. All parents who are members of the Executive Board and who have served for one year are eligible for office. Election of officers is held yearly at an Executive Board meeting.